Financial Advisor
FWA Asset Management
Investment Insights
Increasingly complex global markets, tough to monitor and make timely investment decisions.
FWA Investment Committee (IC) provides timely communications on global markets and all FWA portfolios. Our advisors also have direct access to the FWA IC for real-time investment insights.
Differentiated Portfolios
Portfolios often customized client by client are difficult to monitor, providing no leverage of your time.
FWA offers several portfolios across multiple investment styles, with each style available across multiple risk levels.
Investment Due Diligence
May often not be at the level that clients are demanding.
Institutional quality, backed by experienced investors.
Maintaining Client Risk Objectives
Risk objectives often tough to define, may not be effectively managed to.
Structured risk categorization process to pinpoint and manage to your client’s risk tolerance.
Regulatory Oversight
Proof needed for fiduciary responsibility on all client investment positions and portfolios.
FWA manages all portfolios to regulatory requirements with oversight by dedicated compliance personnel.
Trading Client Accounts
Can be a time consuming, low value-add responsibility.
FWA handles all trading in FWA portfolios, from tactical portfolio changes to contributions and withdrawals.
Technology Integration
May not have integration capabilities across reporting, accounting, CRMs or other software.
State-of-the-art technology with additional flexibility than off-the-shelf solutions
FWA Portfolio Management Pricing
Varies greatly by utilization of third-party managers.
Costs significantly less than similar third-party asset management programs.